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Sovereign Gold Bond Return Calculator

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Sovereign Gold Bond Returns and Performance Calculator

Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) first series was launched in Nov 2015. Till now almost 59+ series of SGB has been launched. Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) is the best way to invest in gold in India as you get price appreciation as well as fix interest of 2.5% PA from Aug 2016 series. For the first 5 series, the interest rate was 2.75%. The second big advantage is a cash discount of Rs 50 per gram on the average price of gold started from 2016-17 series III.

Interests on Gold bonds are paid half-yearly, so investor have recurring income from investment.

In this report, we have accumulated profit/loss from Gold Bond till date. We have calculated price appreciation as of current NSE rates and interest calculation till date.

You can invest a minimum of 1 gm unit up to 4KG per financial year. You can trade Gold Bonds on NSE/BSE, can use as collateral for loans and the bonds are issued by RBI.

Read more on Sovereign Gold Bond in detail.

Sovereign Gold Bond Return Calculator

NSE Code Gold Bond Name Issue Date Redemption Year Retail Price LTP Interest Income Total P/L P/L Percent
SGBFEB32IVSovereign Gold Bonds 2023-24-Series-IV21st Feb 2024Feb-203262137708.2864.72156025.11%
SGBDE31IIISovereign Gold Bonds 2023-24-Series-III28th Dec 2023Dec-203161497589.9976.861517.8524.68%
SGBSEP31IISovereign Gold Bonds 2023-24-Series-II20th Sep 2023Sep-203158737697.33122.351946.6833.15%
SGBJUN31ISovereign Gold Bonds 2023-24-Series-I27th Jun 2023June-203158767535.35146.91806.2530.74%
SGBMAR31IVSovereign Gold Bonds 2022-23-Series-IV14th Mar 2023Mar-203155617590185.372214.3739.82%
SGBDE30IIISovereign Gold Bonds 2022-23-Series-III27th Dec 2022Dec-203053597601.47200.962443.4345.59%

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SGBAUG30Sovereign Gold Bonds 2022-23-Series-II30th Aug 2022Aug-203051477581.92235.92670.8251.89%
SGBJUN30Sovereign Gold Bonds 2022-23-Series-I28th Jun 2022Jun-203050417450.08252.052661.1352.79%
SGBMAR30XSovereign Gold Bonds 2021-22-Series-X8th Mar 2022Mar-203050597453.07295.112689.1853.16%
SGBJAN30IXSovereign Gold Bonds 2021-22-Series-IX18th Jan 2022Jan-203047367499.272963059.2764.60%
SGBD29VIIISovereign Gold Bonds 2021-22-Series-VIII7th Dec 2021Dec-202947417434.9306.193000.0963.28%
SGBNV29VIISovereign Gold Bonds 2021-22-Series-VII2nd Nov 2021Oct-202947117351.59314.072954.6662.72%
SGBSEP29VISovereign Gold Bonds 2021-22-Series-VI7th Sep 2021Sep-202946827399.05331.643048.6965.12%
SGBAUG29VSovereign Gold Bonds 2021-22-Series-V17th Aug 2021Aug-202947407505.02345.623110.6465.63%
SGBJUL29IVSovereign Gold Bonds 2021-22-Series-IV20th Jul 2021Jul-202947577334.78356.772934.5561.69%
SGBJU29IIISovereign Gold Bonds 2021-22-Series-III8th Jun 2021Jun-202948397319.1373.012853.1158.96%
SGBJUN29IISovereign Gold Bonds 2021-22-Series-II1st Jun 2021Jun-202947927309.44369.382886.8260.24%
SGBMAY29ISovereign Gold Bonds 2021-22-Series-I25th May 2021May-202947277348.16374.222995.3863.37%
SGBMR29XIISovereign Gold Bonds 2020-21-Series-XII9th Mar 2021Mar-202946127363.61384.333135.9468.00%
SGBFEB29XISovereign Gold Bonds 2020-21-Series-XI9th Feb 2021Feb-202948627399.7415.3295360.74%
SGBJAN29XSovereign Gold Bonds 2020-21-Series-X19th Jan 2021Jan-202950547420.24442.222808.4655.57%
SGBJAN29IXSovereign Gold Bonds 2020-21-Series-IX5th Jan 2021Jan-202949507334.12433.122817.2456.91%
SGBN28VIIISovereign Gold Bonds 2020-21-Series-VIII18th Nov 2020Nov-202851277435469.972777.9754.18%
SGBOC28VIISovereign Gold Bonds 2020-21-Series-VII20th Oct 2020OCT-202850017324.02468.842791.8655.83%
SGBSEP28VISovereign Gold Bonds 2020-21-Series-VI8th Sep 2020SEP-202850677440485.592858.5956.42%
SGBAUG28VSovereign Gold Bonds 2020-21-Series-V11th Aug 2020Aug-202852847412.76517.392646.1550.08%
SGBJUL28IVSovereign Gold Bonds 2020-21-Series-IV14th Jul 2020Jul-202848027299.07480.22977.2762.00%
SGBJUN28Sovereign Gold Bonds 2020-21-Series-III16th Jun 2020Jun-202846277347.37472.343192.7169.00%
SGBMAY28Sovereign Gold Bonds 2020-21-Series-II22nd May 2020May-202845407309.67472.923242.5971.42%
SGBAPR28ISovereign Gold Bonds 2020-21-Series-I28th Apr 2020Apr-202845897504.26478.023393.2873.94%
SGBMAR28XSovereign Gold Bonds 2019-20-Series-X11th Mar 2020Mar-202842107424.9456.083670.9887.20%
SGBFEB28IXSovereign Gold Bonds 2019-20-Series-IX11th Feb 2020Feb-202840207411.33443.873835.295.40%
SGBJ28VIIISovereign Gold Bonds 2019-20-Series-VIII21st Jan 2020Jan-202839667375.73446.173855.997.22%
SGBDC27VIISovereign Gold Bonds 2019-20-Series-VII10th Dec 2019Dec-202737457400429.114084.11109.06%
SGBOCT27VISovereign Gold Bonds 2019-20-Series-VI30th Oct 2019Oct-202737857350441.584006.58105.85%
SGBOCT27Sovereign Gold Bonds 2019-20-Series-V15th Oct 2019Oct-202737387400443.894105.89109.84%
SGBSEP27Sovereign Gold Bonds 2019-20-Series-IV17th Sep 2019Sep-2027384074504644074106.09%
SGBAUG27Sovereign Gold Bonds 2019-20-Series-III14th Aug 2019Aug-202734497491.05423.944465.99129.49%
SGBJUL27Sovereign Gold Bonds 2019-20-Series-II16th Jul 2019Jul-202733937466.99424.124498.11132.57%
SGBJUN27Sovereign Gold Bonds 2019-20-Series-I11th Jun 2019Jun-202731467350399.84603.8146.34%
SGBFEB27Sovereign Gold Bonds 2018-19-Series-VI12th Feb 2019Feb-202732767400443.624567.62139.43%
SGBJAN27Sovereign Gold Bonds 2018-19-Series-V22nd Jan 2019Jan-202731647750435.055021.05158.69%
SGBDEC26Sovereign Gold Bonds 2018-19-Series-IV1st Jan 2019Jan-202730697450421.994802.99156.50%
SGBNOV26Sovereign Gold Bonds 2018-19-Series-III13th Nov 2018Nov-202631337315.66443.844626.5147.67%
SGBOCT26Sovereign Gold Bonds 2018-19-Series-II23rd Oct 2018Oct-202630967326.66445.054675.71151.02%
SGBMAY26Sovereign Gold Bonds 2018-19-Series-I4th May 2018May-202630647400472.374808.37156.93%
SGBJAN26Sovereign Gold Bonds 2017-18-Series-XIV1st Jan 2018Jan-202628317166.01460.044795.05169.38%
SGBDEC2513Sovereign Gold Bonds 2017-18-Series-XIII26th Dec 2017Dec-202528167350.66463.474998.13177.49%
SGBDEC2512Sovereign Gold Bonds 2017-18-Series-XII18th Dec 2017Dec-202528407500467.425127.42180.54%
SGBDEC25XISovereign Gold Bonds 2017-18-Series-XI11th Dec 2017Dec-202529027610477.625185.62178.69%
SGBDEC25Sovereign Gold Bonds 2017-18-Series-X4th Dec 2017Dec-202529117799479.15367.1184.37%
SGBNOV25IXSovereign Gold Bonds 2017-18-Series-IX27th Nov 2017Nov-202529147260.01479.64825.61165.60%
SGBNOV258Sovereign Gold Bonds 2017-18-Series-VIII20th Nov 2017Nov-202529117272485.174846.17166.48%
SGBNOV25Sovereign Gold Bonds 2017-18-Series-VII13th Nov 2017Nov-202528847210.01480.674806.68166.67%
SGBNOV25VISovereign Gold Bonds 2017-18-Series-VI6th Nov 2017Nov-202528957500482.55087.5175.73%
SGBOCT25VSovereign Gold Bonds 2017-18-Series-V30th Oct 2017Oct-202529217305.01486.834870.84166.75%
SGBOCT25IVSovereign Gold Bonds 2017-18-Series-IV23rd Oct 2017Oct-202529377371.72495.624930.34167.87%
SGBOCT25Sovereign Gold Bonds 2017-18-Series-III16th Oct 2017Oct-202529067411490.394995.39171.90%
SGBJUL25Sovereign Gold Bonds 2017-18-Series-II28th Jul 2017Jul-202527807221.5480.714922.21177.06%
SGBMAY25Sovereign Gold Bonds 2017-18-Series-I12th May 2017May-202529017255.89519.764874.65168.03%
SGBMAR25Sovereign Gold Bonds-2016-17-Series-IV17th Mar 2017Mar-202528937525530.385162.38178.44%
SGBNOV24Sovereign Gold Bonds-2016-17-Series-III17th Nov 2016Nov-202429577143.98566.764753.74160.76%
SGBSEP24Sovereign Gold Bonds-2016-17-Series-II23rd Sep 2016Sep-202431507050678.564578.56145.35%
SGBAUG24Sovereign Gold Bonds-2016-17-Series-I5th Aug 2016Aug-202431197058.99679.034619.02148.09%
SGBMAR24Sovereign Gold Bonds-2016-Series-II29th Mar 2016Mar-202429166601641.524326.52148.37%
SGBFEB24Sovereign Gold Bonds-2016-Series-I8th Feb 2016Feb-202426006271577.964248.96163.42%
SGBNOV23Sovereign Gold Bonds-2015-Series-I26th Nov 2015Nov-202326846132590.484038.48150.46%



Early redemption of Gold Bond is permitted after 5 years from the date of issue of bounds. Such repayments will be made on the date on which interest is payable.


If you hold SGB in demat format, you can trade the same on the secondary market at any time.

Process of Pre-Mature Redemption:

  • The request must be placed thirty days before the interest payment date.
  • Need to place a physical request to the concerned bank/SHCIL offices/Post Office/agent for nondemat holding.
  • For demat holding, submit your request to Depository through DP.
  • Additional Documents for KYC and declaration form need to submit.
  • The fund will be credited to the customer’s bank account provided at the time of applying for the bond.


User Reviews

11. Syd Jul 17 2024 09:30:02 PM Reply
If you don''t plan to update the LTPs in time, then why not shut down the site?
11.1. Team Investorgain Jul 18 2024 09:47:35 AM
Thank you Syd, sir,
Yes, we had a technical issue and LTP has not been updated for SGB since July 9. The issue has now been resolved.
We apologise for the inconvenience.
10. kb kar Jul 14 2024 12:17:08 PM Reply
why ltp is always 3-4 days old? why not updating everyday?
9. Rajeev Kumar Oct 19 2023 03:40:28 PM Reply
What if the account used at the time of investment time got changed at the time of redumption/maturity period
8. HP Jul 18 2023 08:48:18 AM Reply
SGBJUN311 LTP is not updating.
Now it is listed on market
8.1. Team InvestorGain Jul 20 2023 10:29:00 AM
Thanks for your feedback. We have corrected the data now.
Team InvestorGain
7. Adi Jan 11 2023 03:08:26 PM Reply
The SGB Dec 30 name is wrong on the table.
6. Pawan Jain Sep 02 2022 02:13:45 PM Reply
this is a great article to know all the SGB related issue. Can you please suggest which is the best SGB Series at present to purchase from secondary market
5. Dineshchandra Agrawal Jul 01 2022 07:53:13 AM Reply
Please also mention BSE code of SGB, it is also help to investor
4. Ankur Jun 29 2022 11:32:12 AM Reply
I have purchased the SGBAUG28 series today from secondary market. Does that mean the RBI will transfer the bond in my demat account now and I will reap 2.5% interest bi-yearly?
3. hasan kuthus Jun 20 2022 11:07:19 AM Reply
i am hasan . NRI in abu dhabi
I Purchased Sovereign gold bond with using my Indian overseas bank NRI account in 2018-2019 period
What is the status now
can i possible to redeem

3.1. CA Sachin Jun 20 2022 11:59:16 AM
Early redemption of Gold Bond is permitted after 5 years from the date of issue of bounds. Such repayments will be made on the date on which interest is payable.
2. Rad Jan 30 2022 01:31:50 AM Reply
Table not updating for SGBJ30IX series. This is trading on BSE already