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Fyers Brokerage Calculator 2024

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"Fyers Brokerage Calculator" is a free tool to calculate your brokerage and taxes, which include stamp duty. Other competitors usually lack stamp duty. With this tool, you can easily calculate total brokerage charges and taxes, breakeven point (per share), and net profit or loss per trade in advance. Our goal is to calculate accurate brokerage fees for stock deliveries, intraday, futures & options and currency derivatives.

The brokerage fee is part of the cost you pay to the broker, but there are 5 other costs/fees that affect your break-even point. These depend on your sales, your segment, your country and some other factors. So to determine your exact costs, you need a complete solution. Here at InvestorGain, we provide you with a 100% accurate brokerage calculator for Fyers. You can match your contract note with 100% accuracy. In case of hidden costs in your contract note, you can contact your broker. This tool works for both standard and flexible brokerage plans. This calculation has been updated for the year - 2024.

Fyers Brokerage Calculation

Event Fyers Charges ProStocks Charges
Turnover 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00
Brokerage 40.00 30.00
STT 631.00 631.00
SEBI Turnover Fees 10.00 10.00
Stamp Duty 99.00 99.00
Exchange Transaction Charges 200.00 200.00
GST 45.00 43.20
Total Brokerage & Tax 1,025.00 1,013.20
Breakeven (Per Share) 0.205 0.2026
Net Profit or Loss 98,975.00 98,986.80
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Fyers Delivery Trading Calculator

Fyers Delivery Calculator provides you with a function to calculate your exact break-even point to calculate your delivery brokerage and other fees.

Fyers Intraday Trading Calculator

When trading intraday, it is important to know your break-even point. In intraday trading, you need to close your position on the same day, and if you know your break-even point in advance, it is easy for you to close your trade. It is good to place a stop loss order when trading intraday. You can use the Fyers intraday trading calculator to determine the exact number after which you can close out your position at a profit. The biggest fees in intraday trading are STT, because the turnover is very high.

Fyers Futures Trading Calculator

When trading futures (stocks or indices) you can take both long and short positions, but in both cases you need to know your break-even point and the right time to exit. With Fyers Futures Trading Calculator you can find this out.

Fyers Calculator for Options Trading

The biggest fees in options trading are STT and Exchange Transaction Charges. To avoid any confusion in your options trading, a complete fee list with a breakdown of each fee is available on the Fyers Options Trading Calculator.

Last Updated on 2024-05-31

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