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Fyers Thematic Investing well-researched Stock Basket

Rated 4.5/5 by Team InvestorGain

 Fyers Thematic Investing

Fyers Thematic investing as the name suggests is a theme-based ready-made bunch of stocks put into a portfolio for you to invest in. Themes are based on a particular idea, sector, or trend and are chosen carefully by the broker. The stocks and ratio of stocks that constitute a particular theme are also pre-chosen by the broker. All you have to do is to have a trading and demat account with Fyers and pick your theme that suits your trading style and start investing. Depending on your investment preference, you can invest in single or multiple portfolios simultaneously. You can also track the performance of themes by tracking the index value. Also, you can check 1 year's performance as well as the last 1 month performance. You can also rebalance the theme which is making changes like replacing, adding, or removing stocks from your portfolio.

Fyers Thematic Investing Charges

Fyers Thematic investing is a completely free platform with zero brokerage charges or subscription fees. As Fyers offers free delivery trade, you don’t have to pay any brokerage, only statutory charges as per the Fyers Charges list.

Fyers Thematic Investing Features

  • Thematic Investment is entirely free (no brokerage charges) at no subscription fee and no hidden charges.
  • Customize your portfolio depending on your risk profile (high, medium, low). Choose from equi-weight, maximum return or low risk.
  • Themes are based on various parameters like social beliefs and causes, government policies, sectors, business groups, dividend strategies etc.
  • Each theme constitutes around 2 to 20 stocks.
  • The minimum limit of investment in a particular theme is fixed based on the value of shares and quantity. There is no maximum limit though.
  • You can make the selection of themes based on the 10 best-performing themes.
  • Recommendations on themes are also available.
  • Investing in or rebalancing a theme is also offered on the Thematic platform.
  • The stocks within a theme are subject to change from time to time.

Fyers Thematic Investing Platform Benefits

  • It is an efficient and innovative way of building long-lasting portfolios.
  • You can invest in several different portfolios at the same time without the hassle of detailed fundamental research.
  • The stocks in a theme are chosen based on merit and their historical performance is displayed.
  • It allows you to choose from intelligently designed portfolios of stocks.
  • You get exposure to different types of trends in the Indian stock markets.

Example: This is a sample example, please refer actual weightage and stock list on Fyers Thematic platform.

  • Theme: F&B Stalwarts (Category-Current Trends)
  • Minimum Investment: Rs 10000
  • Yearly return: +12.05%
  • Monthly return: +1.61%
  • Risk: High
  • Stocks in this theme
    • RADICO KHAITAN LTD (20.00%)
    • CCL PRODUCTS (I) LTD (17.00%)

As per the above example, you can invest in F&B Stalwarts Category which has stocks from Quick Service Restaurants. Weightage for each script is given in the plan only. There are many more Themes are available to choose as per your Risk Profile.

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Last updated on 16th Feb 2023


Various Themes or portfolios provided by the Fyers thematic investment are framed by the experts� committee that made the decision for selecting the stocks based on an idea, concepts, trends, and historical performance. Investors can save their valuable time by investing in Fyers Theme�s recommendation and get max to max profit without any research and analysis for the stocks. Usually, benchmark for such analysis is Index and you can see how your portfolio is performing against the Index. Fyers also showing Theme performance against NIFTY and Gold.


No, the Fyers does not take any charges for the thematic investment as well as the service of rebalancing of the theme is also free.


To invest the Fyers Thematics planning follow the steps:

  • Log into the Fyers app or trading platform and then move to the thematic investment option under the product menu.
  • Select the theme from the list.
  • Check the performance and stock included in the theme.
  • According to your risk calculation choose one of the three options from: Low Risk, Equi Weight and Max Return.
  • Once all the stocks and quantity & price are filled, hit the “Execute” button to buy the stock in that theme.


Yes, by the Index value you can easily track your performance of the theme. This Index value is set by default at 100. Your increment and decrement of the theme will be reflected in the Index value and it is calculated on a percentage basis. Let's say if specific plan value goes to 110, then it means that your theme is in profit of 10%. Besides this, you also can track your monthly return & annual return over the thematic investment.


The Fyers thematics investment cannot give us the same return as we expected from it before investing. As the market prophecy is completely unpredictable, so no one can exactly determine the market’s mood, like whether it will go in a bullish direction or in a bearish direction.

The resources and reports on which stocks are selected for the thematic investment are purposed with false and unauthorized information, so stocks do not perform well in the real-time market.

No transparency shows when market experts select some particular stocks for the theme, Maybe possible that they are alluring you by describing those scrips that is already at the pick in the market. You may not get a profit after 1-2 years by investing in them.

Sometimes due to technical issues wrong stocks get picked up and the market’s sentiments are another reason for blind belief in a particular company’s stocks.


Thermatic is an in-house product of Fyers, whereas ARQ Prime is a byproduct of Smallcase. ARQ Prime gives recommendations from an algorithm based, tested with cutting-edge technology advisory which reduces the risk of emotional bias.

ARQ Prime has a single product basket of up to 20 shares, whereas Fyers Thematic has many different stock baskets based on themes like Banking, IT, FMCG, and so on.

AngelOne ARQ prime is paid service and one needs to pay a monthly fee of Rs 100* (* - For the latest price visit the AngelOne website), whereas Fyers Thermatic is a free service from the broker.

If we compare both the product, AngelOne ARQ prime is looking more reliable as the stock basket is selected by technology. Both the products have a rebalancing process as well as performance reports which are market standards no


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