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Zerodha Stockreports+ Review, Features, Charges, Ratings, Login

Rated 4.5/5 by Team InvestorGain

 Zerodha Stockreports+

In 2018, Zerodha has partnered with Thomson Reuters (TR), a multinational research company, and launched the Stockreports+ platform to offer the comprehensive market, industry, and stocks research reports of 3000+ companies. Any Zerodha client can subscribe to the Stockreports+ and check industry rankings, industry & sectoral analysis, access stocks fundamental as well as technical research reports, and view the proprietary rating for stocks to make better investment decisions. Scroll down the page further to know more about Zerodha Stockreports+ charges, features, Stockreports+ web, login process, pros, and cons.

Zerodha Stockreports+ Features

Stockreports+ has a number of features, listed here as under:

  • Get comprehensive market, industry, and 3000+ Indian stocks research reports.
  • Proprietary ratings: Check stocks rating from 1 to 10 on account of its fundamentals, earnings, risks, valuation, price momentum, and insider trading.
  • Industry Rankings: Check Thomson Reuters Business Classification (TRBC) industry rankings to identify the ongoing trend among major sectors and industries.
  • Industry & Sectoral Analysis: Peer comparison based on valuation, earnings, profitability, stock seasonality, and other important aspects.
  • Comprehensive insights: Get detailed quantitative research reports of each stock to analyze earnings, risk, fundamentals, insider trading, etc.
  • Stockreports+ Rating: Check Stockreports+ rating for each stock and track the changes in the rating whether favorable or unfavorable.
  • Comparison of key company metrics with 10 closest competitors.
  • Access the latest reports as all the reports are being updated at 11:30 PM from Tuesday to Friday and Sunday.
  • Forward-looking fundamental charts for each stock to help traders to compare it with broader market and industry.
  • Daily updates and weekly circulation of stock ratings.

Zerodha Stockreports+ Charges

    Stockreports+ has 3 different pricing plans for varied time duration i.e. one month, 6 months, and one year. Clients are free to choose any of the subscription plans as per their preference.

    Stockreports Plus Charges
    Monthly Plan Rs. 150/month
    6 Months Rs. 810/6 months or Rs.135/month
    1 year Rs. 1,440/year or Rs. 120/month

Zerodha Stockreports+ Ratings

Stockreports+ platform provides proprietary rating features to rate stocks based on different aspects like earnings, fundamentals, relative valuations, risks, and price momentum. Users can even track changes in the stock rating (Average score and average score changes) to check whether changes are positive or negative based upon the last update.

Zerodha Stockreports+ Ratings

Zerodha Stockreports+ Login

    Stocksreports+ doesn’t require any separate login ID credentials as users can simply log in to the Zerodha Stockreports+ using his Kite login credentials i.e. user name and password.

Zerodha Stockreports+ Web

    Stockreports+ platform is only available in the web version and the mobile app for the platform is not yet launched. Customers can access the in any supported browsers i.e. Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer etc.

Zerodha Stockreports+ Pros and Cons

Pros/Advantages Cons/Disadvantages
  • Get research reports of 3000+ stocks.
  • Access to the market, industry, and sectoral analysis.
  • Latest and updated comprehensive research reports with market performance, fundamentals, valuations, etc.
  • Check average score of a stock based on its fundamental performance, relative valuation, risk score, analyst, and tech score.
  • Stockreports+ is a paid platform and user is charged with a subscription fee.
  • Zerodha is a discount broker so does not provide in-house research and all the reports available are published by Thomson Reuters.

Final Thought

    Despite being a discount broking firm, Zerodha still provides stock research reports to customers on Stockreports+ to serve them in the best manner. No peers in the discount broking space offer research services to their clientele base. Despite knowing the fact that Zerodha Stockreports+ is a paid platform but its services i.e. comprehensive market, industry, and equity reports, fundamental and technical researches, stocks rating based on fundamentals, valuations, risks, etc. and its changes helps traders and investors a lot and justifies the nominal chargeable subscription fee.

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Last updated on 7th Apr 2022


Zerodha as a discount broker doesn't have a research team. However, Zerodha has a collaboration with Thomson Reuters to provide Equity research to Zerodha customers as paid service. Zerodha clients can review Thomson Reuters StockReports+ platform @Rs 150 PM plan or Rs 810 Half Yearly Plan or Rs 1440 Yearly plan.

StockReports+ has around 3000 Indian stocks updated daily, their rating, Industry ranking, Industry & sectoral analysis, comprehensive insights like earnings, fundamentals, risk, price movement, and insider trading.

StockReports+ is not a 100% research tool. It is more of an analytical platform that tells you the current fundamentals of the company and future outlook of the company and ranks accordingly.



No, research report on Stockreports+ is not free as customers have to pay a subscription fee to access the report. Zerodha has three different Stockreports+ subscription plans based on different time duration.

Zerodha Stockreports+ Subscription plans:

  1. Monthly Subscription Plan: Rs. 150 per month.
  2. Bi-annually Subscription Plan: Rs. 810 every six months.
  3. Annual Subscription Plan: Rs. 1,440 per year.



In Sep 2018, Zerodha has launched Stockreports+ platform to provide comprehensive stock reports on over 3,000+ Indian Stocks to its clients. The platform was introduced by partnering with Thomson Reuters whose research reports are available on



You cannot cancel your existing Stockreports+ subscription in Zerodha, however, you are allowed to stop auto-renew of your subscription to Stockreports+. To do this, you just need to uncheck the Auto-renew field.

Zerodha Stockreports Subscription Cancellation



Any Zerodha client can get stock research reports, access fundamental and technical researches, and view the proprietary ratings for a number of stocks by subscribing to the Stockreports+.

Steps to subscribe to the Zerodha Stockreports+:

  • Go to the Zerodha Stockreports.
  • Login with Kite credentials.
  • Now, it will redirect you to a new web page, click on the “Subscribe Now” option.
  • Now, select your choice of subscription package among monthly, half-yearly, and annually.
  • Make a payment of the subscription fee.
  • Once done, you have successfully subscribed to the Stockreports+ and now you can see a report of your favorite stock/s.
Zerodha Stockreports Subscription



Analyst Score This rating is based on the 3 components; earning surprise, estimate revision, and broker recommendations changes.
Fundamental Score Stock fundamental is ranked upon considering profitability, debt, earnings quality, and dividend.
Risk Score Risk for every stock is rated based on long-term and short-term stock performance i.e. returns, beta, volatility, and correlation.
Tech Score Two technical factors i.e. relative strength and seasonality are considered to rate tech score to stocks.
Relative Valuation Score Valuation scoring is done based on 3 key components i.e. price to sales, trailing P/E, and forward P/E. The rating helps users to find out that whether stock is available at a cheaper or expensive valuation.
Average Score and changes Stock average score is done based on all the above ratings i.e. analyst score, fundamental score, risk score, tech score, and relative valuation score.



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