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Zerodha AMO After market order charges, timing, segments

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 Zerodha AMO After Market Order

Zerodha AMO stands for after market order that is a special feature provided to customers to place buy or sell orders in the share market even after the market hours. If you cannot actively track the market during trading hours from 9:15 AM to 3:30 PM, don’t worries you can still trade by placing AMO orders anytime even if the market closes. You can place AMO order in Zerodha Kite mobile app as well as Kite web platform. Scroll down the page to know more about Zerodha After market order charges, timing, how to place AMO in Kite, segments available, and more.

Zerodha After Market Order Charges

Nil, Yes Zerodha AMO order is absolutely free feature to all its customers and charged with zero fees. The broker allows customers to place buy or sell AMO orders across different segments at nil charges.

Zerodha After Market Order Segments

Zerodha customers can place AMO order across all the segments including equity, F&O, currency, and MCX. The AMO order in Zerodha Kite are allowed for all product types such as Cash N Carry (CNC), Margin Intraday Square off (MIS), and NRML orders however, it is not available on Cover Orders (CO). Moreover, stop loss market (SL-M) orders are not available for options contracts via AMO and you also cannot place AMO for Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)

Zerodha After Market Order Timings

The timing to place aftermarket order across segments are provided as follows;

  • Equity NSE: 3:45 PM to 8:57 AM
  • Equity BSE: 3:45 PM to 8:59 AM
  • Futures & options: 3:45 PM to 9:10 AM
  • Currency: 3:45PM to 8:59 AM
  • MCX: Anytime, orders placed during the market trading hours will be sent by the next day at 9 AM.

Note: You can place AMO order in Kite anytime on the weekends and trading holidays.

All the AMO orders will be sent to exchange as per the following timelines;

  • Equity BSE & NSE: Market & Limit order at 9 AM
  • Equity BSE & NSE - IOC validity, or Disclosed Quantity (< 100% of sell quantity) - 9:15 AM
  • F&O - 9:15 AM
  • CDS - 9:00 AM

How to place AMO in Zerodha Kite?

Zerodha Kite App and web platform has the AMO order placement feature. Here are the steps to place after market order in Zerodha Kite;

  1. Login to the Kite Zerodha App or web
  2. Add the scrip to the watchlist.
  3. Click on the “Buy” or “Sell” option as per your order choice.
  4. In the order window, click on the “AMO” tab on the top
  5. Select the product type; CNC or MIS and order type; Market or limit.
  6. Enter details like quantity, price, trigger price, etc.
  7. Re-check and submit the AMO order.
  8. The AMO order will be displayed in the order tab available on Kite.

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Last updated on 13th Apr 2022


Yes, Zerodha allows Aftermarket order (AMO) in the commodity segment. Aftermarket orders are the buy or sell orders placed after market trading hours.

Steps to place AMO in commodity segment on Zerodha Kite:

  • Add the commodity to the watchlist.
  • Click on the “buy” or “sell” order as per your trading requirement.
  • Now, in the order window, click on the “AMO” tab.
  • Select order type (MIS-intraday or NRML-overnight), enter quantity and price.
  • Submit it to place the AMO order successfully.



Zerodha AMO stands for “After Market Order” that allows users to place orders after market hours. People who can’t actively keep track of the market trading hours can place an AMO order in Zerodha Kite.

The market timing for placing AMO order in Zerodha Kite varies across segments such as;

  • Equity NSE: 3:45 PM to 8:57 AM
  • Equity BSE: 3:45 PM to 8:59 AM
  • Futures & options: 3:45 PM to 9:10 AM
  • Currency: 3:45PM to 8:59 AM
  • MCX: Anytime but the AMO details will be sent to commodity exchange at 9:00 AM every day, so an order placed before this will be sent to exchange, and order placed after 9:00 AM will be sent on the next working day.

Note: Zerodha AMO order can’t be placed for bracket order (BO) and cover order (CO) and allowed for all other Zerodha order types such as CNC, MIS, and NRML.



Yes, AMO order in Zerodha is free and the discount broker does not have any additional charges for AMO order facility across all the segments including equity, commodity, and currency.



Yes, Zerodha allow AMO after market order facility especially for people who don't have to track market actively on a regular basis. The AMO feature allows zerodha clients to place their choice of order anytime in any segment whether it is equity, commodity, or currency trading segment.



Yes, you can place AMO order either as a limit order or market order. Here, a limit order means placing a buy or sell order at a certain specified price or a fixed price whereas market order means buying or selling a share at the prevailing market price. The AMO order in Kite is available for both the product types whether it is equity intraday (MIS) or equity delivery (CNC) segments.



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