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Upstox GTT - Good Till Triggered Order Features, Charges, Validity

Rated 4.5/5 by Team InvestorGain

 Upstox GTT Order

Trading requires a regular check-up on stock price movement to place an order at the right time to book profit targets and avoid losses. However, in a busy schedule, traders or investors may find it hard to check their trading app consistently, which in turn, if the stock price moves in the opposite direction, they may panic to sell trades at losses to avoid further losses however, prices may again went up later. Upstox has noticed such challenges faced by traders and investors and launched Upstox GTT order – Good Till Triggered order. Now, users can place the GTT order using the Upstox Pro app, considering their profit targets or maximum loss bearing capacity. Once the entered price gets triggered, Upstox will automatically place the relevant order on the exchange and send a notification to customers. GTT order in Upstox is available across segments i.e. equity intraday trading, F&O trading, and delivery trading. The article covers an in-depth Upstox GTT Order review that provides all the required information that all Upstox users must know; GTT order charges, order validity, How to place a GTT order in Upstox, and more.

What is GTT in Upstox?

    GTT here stands for Good Till Triggered, an alternative to Good Till Cancelled (GTC) order. As the name itself, it is an advance order type that allows customers to define their buying and selling price, profit target, and the maximum loss capacity. As soon as the buy or sell price gets triggered or matched, the relevant order will be placed on the exchange and notified to users. Thus, it is an excellent trading feature, particularly for inactive or less active traders or traders who do not have time to track the market regularly.

    Whether you are an F&O trader, intraday trader, or trades in the equity delivery segment, you can place a GTT order in Upstox anytime. The feature saves a lot of time by allowing users to free themselves to check trades placed every time and place orders every day. Thus, GTT Upstox provides a stress-free trading experience to users.

Upstox GTT Order charges

    GTT order facility in Upstox is available for free at zero charges means Upstox customers can place GTT orders for the required segment at Rs. 0 charges or fees.

Upstox GTT Order Validity

Unlike market and limit orders across segments, which are valid for a trading day, GTT orders have different validity based on the trading segments.

  • GTT Intraday order is valid for a trading day or remains active during the entire day of order placement.
  • GTT F&O order will remain valid till the contract expiry date.
  • GTT Equity Delivery order will be valid for one year or 365 days. Investors can put a GTT order in Upstox to sell their holdings automatically when price targets are met within a year. If targets are unmet then you have to place GTT again next year.

How to place GTT order in Upstox?

Upstox has launched the GTT feature on its mobile app and it is currently unavailable on the website. Upstox customers can log in to the mobile trading app and place GTT orders online.

Steps to place GTT order in Upstox app:

  1. Log in to the Upstox App.
  2. Add the scrip to the watchlist, you want to place GTT for.
  3. Select "Buy" or "sell" and click on the "GTT order" tab.
  4. Enter the quantity and select the product type, "Intraday" or "Delivery".
  5. To purchase or sell shares above the current price, tap on the "Above", to place an order at the current price, click on the "Immediately" or to place an order below the stated price, press on the "Below" option.
  6. Click on the "Review" tab to place a GTT order successfully.

Upstox 3 leg GTT Order with Stop-Loss and Target order

Upstox users can place a 3-leg GTT order means a purchase order can be placed along with 2 other orders; target order and stop-loss order. Once you clearly define your trading strategy, set targets, or maintain a stop-loss level then you must create a Upstox 3-leg GTT Order to free yourself to track prices every second.

Steps to place Upstox GTT order with stop-loss order and target order;

  1. Log into the Upstox account.
  2. Add the company or F&O scrip to the watchlist.
  3. Select the "Buy" or "sell" order type.
  4. Click on the "GTT order" tab.
  5. Enter quantity and choose the product type as either "Delivery" or "Intraday".
  6. Select among "Between", "Above", or "Below" options as per your requirements.
  7. Tap on the "Add Stop-loss, target orders" toggle option.
  8. Now, you can enter the % in stop-loss and target profit fields. Here, you cannot enter below 0.25%.
  9. Tap on the "Review" option to place the 3-leg GTT order successfully.

Upstox GTT Order Pros and Cons

Pros/Advantages Cons/Disadvantages
  • GTT order in Upstox can be placed with a target and stop-loss order.
  • Upstox offers GTT order placement features in equity intraday, delivery, and F&O segments.
  • GTT order in the delivery segment is valid for a year or 365 days.
  • Upstox users can place GTT orders using the Upstox app.
  • Place 3 leg GTT order and manage trades like a Pro.
  • Currently, the GTT order facility is only available on the Upstox App on android devices, while it is not available on the Upstox iOS app.

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Last updated on 6th May 2022


Yes, Upstox offers a GTT order feature in the Upstox app to allow users to place a single order once, and then there is no need to track market or price ups and downs. Depending upon the trigger price to either book profit or sell shares at a maximum possible loss, the buy or sell order automatically gets activated and sent to exchange. At the same time, Upstox will send a notification about the order placement to the customer.


Yes, the GTT advance order is available in Upstox. The online discount broker allows customers to place GTT orders for any segment, whether equity intraday, equity delivery, or F&O. Anyone who has an account with Upstox can log in to the Upstox app and place a GTT order for free.


Yes, Upstox allows customers to place a GTT order for intraday trades. If you are an intraday trader while placing a GTT order in Upstox, don’t forget to select “Intraday” as a product type. Intraday trading means closing positions the same day, therefore, GTT intraday orders are valid for the given trading day when the order gets activated.


GTT is an important feature or a type of advance order used to define a trading strategy or buy or sell price like a limit order, define profit targets in advance, and set a maximum loss limit. As soon as the stock price reaches the trigger price, the GTT order (Buy or sell) order gets placed on the exchange.

Thus, GTT is similar to a limit order means a buy or sell order at a limit price. However, validity is the aspect that differentiates GTT from limit order which is valid for a day, whereas GTT orders remain active for a year. GTT for intraday is valid for a day, and in the F&O segment, it is valid untill the expiry.


GTT is the best feature to enjoy stress-free trading without any requirement to track the prices consistently. Here are the top-notch uses of the GTT order feature;

  • Save time and effort: You don’t need to track price ups and downs every second, thereby, saving time and effort.
  • Easy to use: GTT orders do not involve complex jargon, useful for beginners to expert-level traders. Moreover, a GTT order can be incorporated with a stop loss and target order called 3 leg orders at one shot.
  • Availability of GTT order forEquity intraday, delivery, and F&O segment.
  • Better trade management as when you place a buy order to purchase shares, at the same time, you can place 2 GTT orders; one is target order to book profit or another is stop-loss order to limit losses.
  • Longer validity: GTT for equity delivery segments are valid for a year.


No, the GTT order is an absolutely free feature offered to Upstox customers and they don’t have to pay any fees, charges, or subscription fees.


GTT orders placed in the delivery (equity investment) segment, where holdings are available for more than a day, are valid for a year means 365 days. However, GTT F&O order remains active till the date of contract expiry, and GTT Intraday orders remain active for the particular trading session or working day till the market closure. No, Upstox has launched the GTT order feature only on the android mobile trading app, and it is currently unavailable on the iOS app and web platform.


Placing a GTT order using the Upstox app is an instant and a few step process, such as follows;

  • Log in to the Upstox account on the mobile app.
  • Add the scrip or F&O contract to the Upstox watchlist.
  • Click on the “Buy” or “Sell” order as per your requirements.
  • Now, tap on the “GTT order” option.
  • Select the type, whether “intraday” or “delivery”.
  • Enter GTT order details like no. of shares, trigger price, target price, and stop loss.
  • Click on the “Review”, and the GTT order gets successfully placed.


No, Upstox has launched the GTT order feature only on the android mobile trading app, and it is currently unavailable on the iOS app and web platform.


A 3 leg Upstox GTT order is an integration of 3 different types of orders; 1. Limit buy or sell order, 2. Target order to book profit, 3. Stop-loss order to limit loss. Upstox GTT order window displays a toggle option of “Add Stop-loss, target order”, make sure to activate the toggle key to place a 3-leg GTT order.


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